Monday, February 16, 2009

What can you do?

Sometimes we tend to find questions rather than finding answers to questions. We tend do that to introspect ourselves.

But what do we really intend to do with those questions? Are we supposed to find answers for them? Actually NO, I mean not for all of them.  Then, why should we collect those questions? Because we want a change the course of life. How can we do that?

According to philosophers, answers are required to execute something but questions are required to change the execution.

Right, next time when something bothers you, formulate a question out of it and add it your collection. Probably when you revisit your collection you may get a clue for a change that you can bring in your life.

Sample what can you do collection goes like this…

What can you do when you are

  • being consumed?
  • being concealed?
  • not assigned any specific goals?
  • asked to work for goals that are not yours?
  • not allowed to act to your ability?
  • not allowed to be creative?
  • being manipulated?
  • not assessed?
  • deprived of opportunities?
  • expected to operate without any motivation?
  • asked to manage as proxy rather than as a delegate?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Office Communicator Mobile 2007 R2

Today I installed OCM 2007 R2 on my mobile. I guess my organization hosts OCM 2007 server not R2. But earlier I was not able to connect to server using server specified configuration. But with OCM 2007’s Auto configuration feature it just connects in 10 seconds and brings status of contact quickly. I even tried sending couple of messages. I use Asus P320, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional. This is very useful for Windows mobile users.

Visual Studio 2010 to include Wix 3.0

We are using beta version of wix. Though it offers everything that is needed at this moment; we are waiting for Wix 3.0 just to be with release product. According to this post Wix 3.0 will be included in VS2010.

Its a really tool for installation needs where module developers can have closure interaction with packaging team.

And for exclusive packaging teams promising way ahead is Wix.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Web mail services – who is winning

Gmail user base grew 39%, from 18.8 million to 26 million between September 2007 and September 2008 period.

During the same period, Windows Live Hotmail dropped 4% 46.2 million to 44.6 million.

Yahoo continues to lead at 11% growth rate with 91.9 million visitors in December 2008.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Parsing comma separated files (csv) in C#

Parsing a comma separated file. This task sounded so simple for this till the time I received couple of bugs.

Initially I attempted with a simple approach as shown below.

        using (StreamReader csvFile = new StreamReader(filePath, Encoding.Default))
//First line must contain columns
string csvHeader = csvFile.ReadLine();

//Comma seperated values
csvColumns.InsertRange(0, csvHeader.Split(','));

Due to these bugs I educated myself about rules of CSV. I can quote couple of references here.

Wiki Comma-separated values and CSV standard.

Important point to note here is that each value in CSV can contain a comma or newline or quotes embedded in itself.

This simple point changes rules of games very much. Normal stream operations to read line are of no use here. As well split functions are of no use. So only option left out is to parse byte by byte watching for characters to skip and add.

Here is the code using which I managed to parse a Csv and resolved bugs. It is too primitive but works.

namespace CsvUtilities
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Globalization;

public sealed class CsvParser
private const int quote = '"';
private const int comma = ',';
private const int carrierreturn = '\r';
private const int linefeed = '\n';

//File Name
private string fileName;

/// <summary>
/// File name propery
/// </summary>
public string FileName
get { return fileName; }
set { fileName = value; }

//shared reader
FileStream reader;

//Flag to signal end of line
private bool endofline;

public TimeSpan timeSpan;

/// <summary>
/// Default parameter less constructor
/// </summary>
public CsvParser()


/// <summary>
/// Constructor to set file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">File name to parse</param>
public CsvParser(string fileName)
//Input validation
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
throw new ArgumentException("File name can not be null");
if (File.Exists(fileName) == false)
throw new FileNotFoundException(fileName);

this.fileName = fileName;

/// <summary>
/// Parses Csv and return a data table
/// </summary>
/// <param name="headerIncluded">If header is not included colums will be named Column(x)</param>
/// <returns>Data table with rows populated from Csv file</returns>
public DataTable Parse(bool headerIncluded)
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
dataTable.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
DataRow dataRow;

//Input validation
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
throw new ArgumentException("File name can not be null");

Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
using (reader = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))
string value;
int idx = 0;

//Header handling
while (reader.Position != reader.Length)
value = GetValue();
if (headerIncluded == false)
value = "Column" + idx++;
if (endofline)
reader.Position = 0;

catch (DuplicateNameException dnex)

if (endofline) break;

dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
idx = 0;
endofline = false;

//Row handling
while (reader.Position != reader.Length)
value = GetValue();
dataRow[idx++] = value;

if (endofline)
dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
idx = 0;
endofline = false;

timeSpan = stopwatch.Elapsed;
return dataTable;

private string GetValue()
char currentByte; // Current Byte
char nextByte; // Next Byte

Boolean withinQuote = false; // Is current position within a quote

List<char> bytes = new List<char>();

long position = 0;

//If stream is null throw exception
if (reader == null)
throw new ArgumentException("CSVDataset: stream can not be null");

if (reader.CanRead == false)
throw new ArgumentException("CSVDataset: Can not read stream");

while (reader.CanRead)
currentByte = (char)reader.ReadByte();

position = reader.Position;

//If at last position terminate
if (position == reader.Length)

//peek next character
nextByte = (char)reader.ReadByte();
//As ReadByte moved cursor ahead bring cursor back
reader.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin);

//Current character is within the quote
if (withinQuote)
//Is this character a terminating quote
if ((currentByte == quote) && (nextByte == comma))
reader.Seek(position + 1, SeekOrigin.Begin); //jump comma
if ((currentByte == quote) && (nextByte == quote))

if (currentByte == quote)
withinQuote = true;
if (currentByte == comma) break;

if ((currentByte == carrierreturn) (currentByte == linefeed))
if ((nextByte == carrierreturn) (nextByte == linefeed))
reader.Seek(position + 1, SeekOrigin.Begin); //jump CR+LF
endofline = true;


//Reading value completed. Return
return new string(bytes.ToArray());

Hope this is useful to start with. Advanced parsers can be found at codeproject