Saturday, March 15, 2008

Vim settings

Back up and swap files that vim creates are sometimes frustrating; that too when you are working on source tree in version controlled directory.

Setting them off is desirable for such environments. Today I updated my Vim profile to do this and also found consolas font more appealing font for Vim editing on windows. Just thought of sharing profile file if anyone else interested in it.

 C:\Program Files\Vim\_Vimrc file 

set nobackup "Set off backup files"
set noswapfile "Set off swap files"

set guifont=Consolas:h12:cANSI

set stal=2

"GUI Options"
set guioptions-=T "No Toolbar"
set guioptions-=r "No right scroll "
set guioptions-=m "No menu "

"Color scheme"
colorscheme wombat "tried zellner, now wombat suits me best"

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